the elite club

The Elite Club

Once upon a time, in a foreign, exotic land there existed a club. Now, as we all know, entry to almost all clubs demand a certain restriction – a code of conduct or something or the other – by means of which it serves to distinguish itself from other fellow clubs. But, this club was different. All the members of this club had one thing in common – they were all very “intelligent” – well, that is what they and their devoted followers thought of themselves. Members behaved as if they were blue blooded, criticizing those who were deemed less intelligent by them or those who did not conform with their views. Days passed, and other people grew tired of their high and mighty ways. But, they and their fleet of followers were happy in their own little bubble, impervious to the outer world. So, one fine day, some people got together and decided that they would teach them a lesson.  The “less worthy” got together and decided to make their own exclusive club. They had their own set of rules, to debar others and their own sense of pride. Now, no matter how gifted one is, appreciation goes a long way in boosting one’s ego. As the numbers were now in favor of the other group, patrons swelled here. There was a steady exodus of their followers – from the “intelligent” to the “less intelligent” group. Members were left with their heads scratching, as to why people were no longer keen on conversing with them or why their views on various subjects no longer mattered. They started getting a taste of their own medicine, by people who were ignoring them en masse. Slowly and steadily, cracks appeared – both on the walls of the club as well as in the unity between the club members. Places of intelligent conversations became rooms of heated arguments, with each member accusing the other for lack of funds. Ultimately, due to rising costs the club was forced to shut down.

The only thing that remained was a run-down building and a weathered plaque and an inscription which read “The ELITE CLUB – Members only”!

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